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Blockchain Technology Disrupts The Global Healthcare Industy
Take Your Health To The Next Level While Earning Benefits & Having Full Control Over YOUR Own Electronic Health Records With ZERO Effort...
Excellent Healthcare with One Click

About Me

Hey there... My name is Hatice

Since my early years I was fascinated by mathematics and medicine - I've been an applied mathematician (M.Sc.) at heart - it runs through my veins and the passion will never fade. Whenever I see a data or systems.. my mind goes immediately to optimize and automate.. 

My mission is to bring excellent healthcare to everyone with one click. 🦄🥳

Why should you care? 

Well, we work with many medical professionals around the world. We help patients and doctors to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, save time, connect medical knowledge, make it interoperable and thus enable optimal patient care.

My core competence lies in understanding complex systems and providing customers with tools for the development of algorithms and systems that are easy to implement.

As a specialist in data-based personalized medicine, I advise medical service providers on all issues relating to the use of health data, real-time data exchange and added value through digital transformation.

Currently, I am working on building a real-time healthcare ecosystem that will systematically reduce the risk of errors, find the exact data leaks in the practice or hospital system, connect the data flow, privacy, security framework and much more, saving time for optimal patient care, without your doctors being sued or costing them money, time and resources with malpractice lawsuits.

For more info click here:

As an applied mathematician, I specialize in nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization of industrial processes and data flow using mathematical modelling, chaos theory, dynamic systems with and without time-dependencies, experimental designs, biostatistics & epidemiology and strategies in finding real-time data optimization and automation solutions. This includes particularly supply chain and ecosystem optimization. 

For an individual data strategy consultation, book an appointment here.

The word IVDY is my invention from the Turkish word 'ivdirici' which means accelerator. The name IVDY is a combination of the first three letters IVD and a cute Y to round it all off.
IVDY Group is a full-service consulting software research and development agency specializing in individual digital transformation through optimized modeling, automation, and knowledge creation from data. With their innovative solutions, IVDY is at the forefront of defining a new level of medical data architecture standard.

The IVDY Digital Medical Record, a blockchain-based application, revolutionizes the way personal medical history is reviewed and stored. By eliminating the need for multi-level validation of information, IVDY sets a new standard in medical data architecture, ensuring secure and efficient management of health records.

Additionally, the IVDY digital health passport provides a comprehensive digital profile that includes the user's disease status, empowering medical institutions with valuable insights for national and regional health control. IVDY's commitment to advancing the medical data architecture standard drives their mission to transform healthcare and enhance patient care.
Reliable protection
A blockchain-based application can be used to create digital assets or documents that cannot be forged. Blockchain securely encrypts data against loss or hacking.

Immediate verification
Blockchain and artificial intelligence algorithms automatically check information for compliance, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

User friendliness
You can update your Digital Health Passport with one click. A user adds current test results and digitally signs the update to confirm the originality of the data. Data is stored permanently in the blockchain.

Full Compliance
IVDY uses encryption and cryptographic technologies for the flow of e-documents in full compliance with GDPR requirements, California CCPA, HIPPA and other regulations.

Uniform decentralized database
IVDY can be integrated into company software as an employee filing system and provides trustworthy information about the health status of employees for better optimized processes within a company.
A medical facility conducts tests on individuals to determine if they are infected or immune to various diseases. The test results are added to their medical history.

Using IVDY, the individual creates a digital profile and undergoes account verification. They can then update their digital profile with test results and receive a unique QR code.

The QR code can be securely shared with authorized individuals, such as employers, who can view the individual's health account through a web browser or smartphone.

The IVDY health record includes a wide range of essential medical information. It encompasses personal demographics, medical history, diagnoses, treatments, medications, allergies, immunizations, laboratory test results, radiology reports, and other relevant healthcare data. With the IVDY health record, individuals and healthcare providers have a comprehensive and consolidated view of the individual's health information, facilitating better communication, coordination, and informed decision-making in healthcare delivery. The secure and blockchain-based nature of the IVDY health record ensures data integrity, privacy, and accessibility, empowering individuals to take control of their health and enabling healthcare providers to deliver personalized and effective care.
Integration into enterprise software
IVDY can be easily integrated into business software. Medical data can be collected via web forms, CSV data import, JSON feed and API applications specially developed for you by IVDY. We can create a private or public blockchain according to your requirements so that all information is sent to it directly from your SAP, Oracle or JD Edwards based system.

Use of own API
IVDY develops API applications according to the required blockchain requirements. This means your in-house developers escape the routine of smart contract coding, blockchain creation, or IVDY-specific application development. IVDY's solutions are blockchain-independent, which means that they can be adapted to any type of blockchain.

IVDY Health Passport
For each digital passport, IVDY creates an individual digital wallet that belongs to an examined person. Each wallet is individually cryptographically encrypted in blockchain. Blockchain records every interaction with a wallet and health card. Health passport and wallet data can be downloaded, viewed and managed through a mobile application web browser interface.
The devil is in the details

For data-based personalized medicine, I develop the digital patient file that can predict illnesses, network clinically valid medical information and advise medical service providers on all questions relating to the use of health data, real-time data exchange and added value through digital transformation.

Whether medical practices, clinics, laboratories, private/statutory insurance companies, surgical centers, research institutions, drug manufacturers, health-tech companies and start-ups, pharmacies or emergency care, a stimulating process and successful implementation of digitization and networking or even the perfect data usage strategy is created without much care and effort nothing special.

The devil is in the details.
Creating remarkable medical and patient care experiences

We live a fast, almost hectic life - each day filled with the urgency of our professional and social duties. This relentless pace, exciting as it can feel at times, brings its own stress and pressure.

The joint design of health care - probably the oldest and most universal custom in the world - connects us all.

Universal healthcare excellence means that all people have access to the healthcare services they need, when and where they need them, without financial or access difficulties.

It covers the full spectrum of essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.

At Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Consulting, we develop, maintain and evaluate blockchain, artificial intelligence and crypto security products.

Our teams work across multiple disciplines from hardware to financial trading frameworks to blockchain web services while creating beautiful and intuitive UI/UX. With unique custom design algorithm engineering.

For our partners worldwide, we offer long-term support and advice on related technological and operational issues.
A healthy, medicinal dose of debauchery

Intelligent, holistic and all-sensory.

Patient orientation is our top priority. A patient-centred approach is by far the key to quality healthcare.

Patient-centred care benefits other important outcomes.

On the business side, patients who report positive experiences have more confidence in their providers and are less likely to switch doctors, allowing for greater continuity of care.

On the technical side, patients simply respond better.

On the medical side, a holistic approach has the greatest impact to prevent disease by incorporating long-term individual medical data for the benefit of the patient.

Health is our priority, families and friends are reuniting as medical professionals everywhere begin to bring expertise, experience and build relationships.
A common goal

When we say we're part of a groundbreaking community, it's not just empty words and marketing babble. We really want to make a difference for the wider community around us.
In order to keep up in the digital age, innovative ambitions and tailor-made strategies are required. With our Digital Transformation Consulting we help you on the way to a successful digital turnaround.

Our multidisciplinary teams of experts bring their many years of expertise to work with you to develop and build a transformative, digitized company.

Depending on the objective - from the introduction of new digital possibilities to the redesign of your business processes to the start of completely new digital projects - we support you in setting a new digital standard for your company.

We have developed a holistic approach to the digital transformation of your company.

With our support, companies from different industries can implement digitization easily and purposefully.
As steps for a successful implementation of digitization and networking in medicine:
1st step: Strategic advice in the facility
2nd step: Creation of an individual plan
3rd step: Implementation and connection to IVDY
4th step: 24/7 Technical Support

Innovative technologies may act as the engine of digital transformation, but it takes more for a successful holistic change. Successful transformations begin with a clearly defined digital strategy that, in addition to a long-term orientation, primarily delivers measurable results in the short term.
We advise you personally on all aspects of the IVDY health passport. Our Personal Liaison Manager (or “PLM”) is a licensed, dedicated resource who works with the best professionals to enhance our members' IVDY experience. The PLM builds on the individual strategy and knowledge gleaned from the IVDY network and leverages invaluable partnerships to save you time.

For our customers is included:
- individual, tailor-made advice
- maximum independence & discretion
- Execution plan included
- 60 minutes plus questions afterwards
- timely appointment
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